Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Hal Dalam Bersyukur

Walaupun semua yang kita dapatkan terkadang tidak dapat membuat kita puas,
dan kita selalu mencari sesuatu yang lebih dan lebih untuk merasa puas.
kita tidak menyadari bahwa seharusnya kita bersyukur dalam segala hal.

"Ketika kita bersyukur dalam segala hal, kita memandang kesulitan dan tantangan itu dalam konteks tujuan kehidupan."

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Vocabulary Around the House

Simple Future

Simple future is used for describing job or action that will to do (happened) at future.

A. In order to
1. Future tense “will”
a. To assert incident/event that future and decide that incident at talking.
Example= A: can you help me to do this home work?
B: of course, I will do it for you.

Descriptive Text

The aim of descriptive text: to describe the characteristics of particular person, thing, or place.

Text Structure:
▪ Identification Þ identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described.
▪ Description Þ gives the information of particular thing, person, or place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or characteristics.

Narrative Text

Narrative Text is story. Mostly, narrative are imaginary stories but sometimes narratives can be factual too. Narrative includes fairy stories,fables,mystery,science,fictions,any romance and horror.

Finite Verb

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

Passive Voice

A. Definition
A passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is, whoever or whatever is performing the action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. Take a look at this passive rephrasing of a familiar joke.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Asking If Someone Remember

Formal expressions:
- I wonder if you remember…..
- You remember…., don’t you?
- You haven’t forgotten…., have you?
- Don’t you remember…..?

News Item

News item is to inform the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. Is structure is:
• Newsworthy Event(s): recounts the events in summary form
• Background Event(s): elaborate what happened, to WHOM, in WHAT circumstances.
• Sources: comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities’ expert on the event.
Significant Grammar Features: